Practical Applications of Evolutionary Psychology
The Element (Robinson)
The Power of Habit (Duhigg)
Grappling with the Grey (Goldson)
The Tipping Point (Gladwell)
The Change Code (Bour)
Raising Humans in a Digital World (Graber)
Your Stories Don't Define You (Elkins)
Wired for Story (Cron)
Ancestral Landscapes in Human Evolution (Narvaez et al)
30 Days of Noticing (Sheeren)
Positively Conflicted (Ardery)
The Dichotomy of Leadership (Willink & Babin)
Who Moved My Cheese? (Johnson)
Lighter Research Summaries
The Village Effect (Pinker)
The Pleasure Trap (Lisle & Goldhamer)
The Secret of our Success (Henrich)
Sperm are from Men, Eggs are from Women (Quirk)
Almost Human (Berger)
The Kindness of Strangers (McCullough)
Survival of the Friendliest (Hare & Woods)
First Steps (DeSilva)
You’re not Listening (Murphy)
Atomic Habits (Clear)
Different (de Waal)
Paleofantasy (Zuk)
Fluke (Klaas)
Afraid (Javanbakht)
Naturally Selective (King)
For the Beauty of the Earth (Bouma-Prediger)
The Last Sin Eater (Rivers)
Philosophy: Who Needs it? (Rand)
Escape from Freedom (Fromm)
Prepare for the Ultimate Gaslighting, Parts I, II, III (Gambuto)
The Order of Natural Necessity (Bhaskar)
The Four Agreements (Ruiz)
Heavier Research Summaries
Mutual Aide (Kropotkin)
The Enigma of Reason (Mercer & Sperber)
Denying to the Grave (Gorman & Gorman)
Sapiens (Harari)
Naturally Selected (Van Vugt)
Unbound (Currier)
Universal Minds (Cosmides & Tooby)
Natural Inheritance (Galton)
Chance and Necessity (Monod)
Cognition in the Wild (Hutchins)
The Book of Minds (Ball)
An Affordable Management Approach to Social Stereotypes (Neuberg et al)
Depression, Emotion and the Self (Ratcliffe et al)
Fan Non-Fiction
Warrior Lovers (Salmon & Symons)
Fame (Bateman)
The Anatomy of a Screenplay (Decker)
Fandom at the Crossroads (Larsen & Zubernis)
Fan Phenomena: Supernatural (Larsen & Zubernis)